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search in city: Somerset
Companies UK Companies in the state of Somerset
Cataloxy Frome...Companies in FromeBusiness ServicesServices to businessesMarketing and merchandising servicesFedex

Fedex, Frome

city Frome

      Fedex in other cities

Shipping and forwarding agents, national
Shipping and forwarding agents, international
Courier services, national
Courier services, international parcels
Courier services, local parcels
Distribution organisation services

Choose FedEx to deliver your time-sensitive, important shipments to and from over 220 countries and territories world-wide. Import or export, express or less urgent, small packages or heavyweight, FedEx has the service you need
Fedex was founded in 1981.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Fedex in Frome you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Reg. Number: 01580546

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: Unit P3 Marshall Way, Commerce Way, (Commerce Park)
BA11 2, Frome, Somerset

Fedex in other states:

Slough (Berkshire)
Aylesbury (Buckinghamshire)
Huntingdon (Cambridgeshire)
Launceston (Cornwall)
Sheffield (Derbyshire)
Exeter (Devon)
Poole (Dorset)
Gloucester (Gloucestershire)
Greater London (2)
Greater London
Fareham (Hampshire)
Littleborough (Lancashire)
Sleaford (Lincolnshire)
Norwich (Norfolk)
Wellingborough (Northamptonshire)
Knaresborough (North Yorkshire)
Nottingham (Nottinghamshire)
Frome (Somerset)
Scunthorpe (South Humberside)
Burntwood (Staffordshire)
Ipswich (Suffolk)
Coventry (Warwickshire)
Hassocks (West Sussex)
Leeds (West Yorkshire)
Swindon (Wiltshire)
Aberdeen (Aberdeenshire)
Oban (Argyll)
Gretna (Dumfriesshire)
Inverness (Invernesshire)
Motherwell (Lanarkshire)
Newbridge (Midlothian)
Deeside (Clywd)

Category of Fedex:

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